Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rants about Viral Videos(18+ and strong stomach recommended)

At the request of an individual, he has requested me blogging about the following sites: (please note they are extremely graphic and are not safe for work nor people with weak stomachs)

All I can really say is what the hell is with people these days. Those sites are not great, it is merely repulsive to see how low people can go for money(or i at least hope they do it for money and not for free). If I wanted to see people eat shit, I'd watch skaters rack their nuts on a rusty rail and fall face first onto the sidewalk. Examples of normal stuff people would like to see:

Granted, I watched all of three links at the top of the page. As much as I wanted to look away, I couldn't help but keep looking at it. All I can say is, there are some sick ass people(pun intended) that will do anything to get attention to this world, just leave me the hell out of it.

And Kool-Aid, I hate you for making relive those videos again.

---The Foob

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