Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rants about Viral Videos(18+ and strong stomach recommended)

At the request of an individual, he has requested me blogging about the following sites: (please note they are extremely graphic and are not safe for work nor people with weak stomachs)

All I can really say is what the hell is with people these days. Those sites are not great, it is merely repulsive to see how low people can go for money(or i at least hope they do it for money and not for free). If I wanted to see people eat shit, I'd watch skaters rack their nuts on a rusty rail and fall face first onto the sidewalk. Examples of normal stuff people would like to see:

Granted, I watched all of three links at the top of the page. As much as I wanted to look away, I couldn't help but keep looking at it. All I can say is, there are some sick ass people(pun intended) that will do anything to get attention to this world, just leave me the hell out of it.

And Kool-Aid, I hate you for making relive those videos again.

---The Foob

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What Annoys The Foob?

I've pondered over the 19 years of my life of all the good things in life, more specifically, family and friends. In these modern days, people seem to be annoyed easily by things. I admit it, I am one of those people. Here are a list of things that annoy me, and why.

1. Poker-
Now I do enjoy playing Poker, Blackjack, and Hold-em, but please, what constitutes it for it being broadcasted live on ESPN every day. Is it really a sport or require any athletic abilities? Perhaps the lone ability of bluffing makes it a legitimate "sport". What the fuck started the craze? I have a hard time understanding where it all began. My final thought on televised poker is that they do not represent your everyday gambler. They hire the professionals who have won tournaments. Give me the average joe who is running low on drug money or those whose lives are disorderly, I feel that would give a slight boost to the ratings.

2. Rap & Controversy-
All I can say is this...What the fuck happened? We go from classic talent Run D.M.C, N.W.A, Ice T(he's not much but he was a huge part of rap history), Dr. Dre, 2Pac, and Notorious B.I.G, to "crunk" creator Lil John, who was only popular because of his ability to make 3 words sound cool. One artist in particular who gives me a headache is Soulja Boy. A 17 year old who repeats the same lyrics over and over with a large amount of sexual references(ie Soulja Boy up in this hoe, or Superman that hoe). I have no problem with him trying to make money, more power to him, but why is it that a few months ago, radio personality Don Imus who made a crude joke by referring to the Rutgers basketball team as "Nappy Headed Hoes". We as Americans were outraged by it, but my question to you is...why? Why is it ok for rappers to use such vulgarity and regard women in such manners such as hoe and bitch and get paid for it, and yet, Imus says it once on the radio and everyone jumps on the high horse and say fire him. America is a dysfunctional country in this matter.

3. Nancy Grace-
When she is back from her maternity leave, watch her show on CNN @ 6pm mountain time and you will see why she is annoying.

4. Jack Thompson, Asshole in Law-
95% of the people in America hate your face. Which game in the future will you file a lawsuit against and end up losing? Im guessing the next GTA.

5. The Writer's Strike-
Although I completely agree with the reason you guys went on strike, leaving me watching "I Love New York" on VH1 and reruns of Fran Drescher on Lifetime makes me sick. Please get back to writing soon!

6. Football(Not Soccer)
Well, start off with college football. 32 bowl games, 5 being a BCS Championship. God damn, do we really need to have 64 teams playing for a bowl title? I mean, come on, does a team really want a bowl game trophy presented by a chicken entree company? Hell I wouldn't. Ok, enough of college, and back to the big guns in the NFL. Patriots will probably be undefeated. Dolphins, lets hope they lose all the way. I am a Packers fan myself and it is a refreshing site to see a rejuvenated team. Falcons, well, at least you still have your health, unlike Vick who will become someones teddy bear in prison. For the "hit" that happened on Sunday to Merriman of the Chargers, I wouldn't be suprised if Fisher did do so or not.

Until then fellow citizens, Take Care.

---The Foob
(This article is for mere entertainment purposes, I am not racist, so sending me mail regarding so will be deleted)

The First Rant of the Foob.

Well, throw the confetti, text message your girlfriend/boyfriend/blow-up doll, I just lost my blogging virginity! Ok, enough of that now. For my first rant, I need to get something off my chest.

Celebrities...What more can we do to torment you. I bet you all are wondering, "Well Mr. Foobessional, what do you mean?" Well my fellow readers from around the globe, I am speaking of the talented Amy Winehouse for starters. For those who do not know who she is, she is a talented musician who was nominated six times for a Grammy Award for her album "Back to Black." Is she famous for that or for the past year or so of tabloid articles that basically followed her downfall? First and foremost, the main problem she has is her highly publicized drug abuse. I personally have not experienced drugs nor know anyone who has had a drug problem, but as someone who is a "celebrity", the turning of the tide is much worse for you, as you will have the opportunistic paparazzi following you, exploiting you in your worse condition to make a quick buck.
(if you want an example, look at a recent article regarding winehouse )
I feel sorry for this woman for the fact she actually sought out help, but stopped after five days. It is just a tragedy all these people want to get the bad side of her, but refuse to help her show her good side, the musician people from around the world love.

Another celebrity holdup, Jack Bauer himself, Mr. Kiefer Sutherland. The 24 star recently was sentenced for 48 days in jail stemming from his 2nd DUI arrest in September. While I do believe he deserves to be punished, it reminds me of another celebrity scandal, Miss Lindsay Lohan. The starlet was arrested twice, both DUI's + Cocaine Possession, spending 1 day in jail + 3 years of probation. Maybe cocaine isn't a big deal anymore. It's ironic how the "protector of America" Jack Bauer gets snubbed by the starlet whose greatest movie of all time is co-starring with a beetle that is possessed...

That's America For Ya... Until then fellow citizens.

--The Foob

Video of the Day:

(Article is For Entertainment purposes only, I appreciate the comments+criticism, any questions or concerns, email me at )